Wednesday, September 15, 2010

There is no place like home!

September 14- We like to call our new monitor- DerCAM- all Der, all the time!  Not that it replaced the old monitor which helps prevent we now have two monitors, a little much, I know....but, very handy!

September 13- How did he manage to get both arms out of the swaddler? 

September 12- The O'Dowd's LOVE bubbles!

September 11- My dad had a nack for getting him to sleep when no one else could (he claims this is from having lots of practice trying to get me to sleep when I was little).  And happy birthday Frank (I dont know how we forgot to get a picture of your celebration).

September 10- Mom's reaction- hilarious! 

September 10- My mom's celebration with Austen and Ryan.  We had to "make-shift" this 0 (I thought we were pretty creative)

September 9- For my mom's birthday, she decided to buy Der a toy!  He loved to kick the koala and actually pulled out the dragonfly to stick in his mouth.

September 8- Happy birthday Nonna!

September 7- MY BABY LAUGHED FOR THE FIRST TIME!  It was so precious!  What made him laugh, you wonder?  Tissue paper- he loved the sound it made when he crunched it in his hands.

September 6- Sleepy after a long road trip.

September 5- Cousins picture. Ryan, Der, Laura, Paul, Addisen, Kristen and Caleb

September 5- Think he is ready for another one?  The cute little girl is my cousin's daughter, Addisen-she adored Ryan!

September 4- Der's first trip to the zoo!  He spent most of it asleep in Ryan's carrier :)

September 3- SUPER BABY, and a super dad!  We stopped to enjoy the beautiful weather on our way up to Kansas.

September 3- We grandparents celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary.  My grandpa helps her get dressed in the morning and my grandma wheels him into church every Sunday.  What a beautiful testimony to Christ and His love for His bride, the church.  So glad we could be there to celebrate!  That God would grant us the grace to be happily married that long! 
We spent the last two extended weekends with family.  For Labor day we drove up to Wichita to see my grandparents and a few other family member that came into town.  We got to introduce Der to my cousins for the first time-so fun!  He did amazing well in the car considering it is normally a six and a half hour drive.  Then last week, Der and I flew home on Wednesday to surprise my mom for her 60th birthday!  She was thrilled!  We really enjoyed family time but... there is no place like home!

1 comment:

  1. There is no shame in having 2 monitors! And, I love the bubble picture! We will miss ya'll today, but praying next week works out.
