Monday, August 30, 2010

Picture a Day

August 23: Endless entertainment for him, downtime for me!
August 22: A sweet surprise from a sweet husband!
August 21: My sweet family!  Thanks Kathryn and Jordan for taking some pics for us!

August 20th: What happens when mommy gets the bath water ready-lots of bubbles!

August 19th: This smile...brings tears to my eyes!
I like to read this blog written by women whose faith I really look up to and I got this idea from one on them.  Instead of writing most days, she posts a picture a day representing a memorable moment.  Since a picture is supposed to speak a thousand words or something like that, I thought this would be fun.  Plus, I love, love, to take pictures, especially of my adorable little man.  And as much as I love to take pictures, and Ryan is an aspiring photographer (he is pretty good!).  All that to say, we should have lots of pics to choose from!  I think the last time we loaded pictures on the computer there were 200something and it had been just over a week (that is almost embarrassing to admit).  I wont actually post every day, but I am going to try to post several days worth every so often....My theme: Life as a New Mom- my hope is that you can relate to these pictures- some representing the more mundane moments and some pictures represent the beautiful memories that you never want to forget, and then everything in between.  Here goes the first round...

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