When he knows he is doing something he is not supposed to do, he flashes us a big grin, holds his straight arm high over his head and waves. Absolutely hilarious! (Its so hard to keep a straight face).
He points to cords all over the house and says, “nonononono” since he has been told many times not to touch them.
For things that are off limits, like cords, toilets and outlets, we say, “Do babies play with ____” and then he says, “nonononono” – almost always 5 nos.
He now knows when we are asking him a question and always responds with a “ya!” so cute J Example, are you ready for a snack? Ya! Do you want to go pick papa up? Ya! Do you love mommy? Ya! Any question, always a YA!
He will spontaneously throw his arms in the air to show us how big he is. This is followed immediately by a huge smile, cause he knows its cute. He also does this on cue…how big is DerBear…
He loves girls/women and when he gets attention in public, he waves and smiles, then starts dancing or bouncing his head from side to side. Which, they love all the more and then he continues to “charm.”
He loves loves loves dogs! He calls most animals he sees “dogdog” (we call them doggies) and will carry his stuffed dog around the house most of the day. He squeals with excitement when he sees a live dog and starts the “dogdog” chant. You can imagine how cute he is at the pet store.
He also loves flowers! Like really really loves them! He points to every single one in a book or when we are out shopping. This passion started last week in Colorado when there were beautiful wildflowers everywhere. We kept a bouquet on the table and were always picking them for him to hold. I love how much he enjoys the simple things.
He likes to point out things he knows everywhere we go…baby, girl, boy, dogdog.
He has gotten to be a copy cat, trying to repeat everything we say…and he already knows tons of words, although I am not sure a stranger would know what he is saying! Some of the cutest attempts to repeat- dinosaur, fish, love you, thank you and popsicle.
Speaking of which, his “love you” is absolutely precious. It sounds like –dadoo. And we are teaching him to say thank you. He usually doesn’t just say it once…its dankew, dankew, dankew. Way cute!!
He is also picking up on words that mean we are going to eat…like, snack, breakfast, lunch, dinner…and Ill say, “Are you ready for ______” and he will say ya, then cawcaw (cracker) -his favorite!!!
Watching him eat an oreo is great entertainment. Ryan taught him to dunk it in milk. He picked up on this really quick and likes them soggy.
He likes to point our body parts he knows…belly button, nose, ear, hair, eye (careful he will try to poke them). He went through a stage where he wanted to see his belly button all the time and we would have to unbutton his outfit so he could find it.
He loves food! And you will know when he likes something…while eating he will keep repeating, “yummy-yum, yummy-yum” which is so sweet. I have never seen a happier or more expressive eater!
He loves to make people laugh or join in laughter. He will often do something he knows is funny then fake laugh…or if everyone is laughing, he joins in.
The other night, I was putting him to sleep. He was snuggled in and almost asleep… I thought. He then lurched out and stuck his tongue out at me. It was hilarious and he has been doing it randomly sense. Last week he stuck his tongue out at the flight attendant who thankfully thought it was cute.
He loves his bath time with daddy. There favorite game is for Der to throw is wet toys out of the tub and get his daddy as wet as possible.
When he gets tired…I will ask him if he wants to go to bed and he will say nightnight or baba (blankey) or ba (bath)…all cues that he is pooped.
He has to have his blankey and thumb to sleep. He tucks his blanket this certain way in his fist and then sucks the thumb of that hand…he will not suck his thumb without something soft to tuck in….which is hilarious, because when he gets tired, he will use almost anything soft…stuffed animal, Ryan’s boxers, a sock, a tie, burp cloth or outfit. Its pretty stinkin cute.
He loves to be tickled and he will taunt me to tickle him. He throws his arms up and head back or does something silly so I will want to tickle him. One of his favorite things to do before nap/bed time is to pretend to eat things that babies don’t eat. He will act like he is eating the alligator on the page of a book….and I will say, “Babies don’t eat alligators (or lions or monkeys),” and then tickle him. We do this over and over until I wear out…He loves it!
He has two favorite songs…Waves of Mercy and Barbara Ann…he likes the chorus. Nanananana and babababababarbaraann- I think he likes them cause he can sing them…And sing he does. Before every nap and during most of a car ride, we sing these two songs back and forth. At first he would just request Ryan or I sing them by saying baba or nana. Now he can repeat many nanana’s in a row in a singsingy way. It is so sweet….how could we deny the little guy. And so, we sing these songs dozens of times a day.
And here is the adorable little guy riding his zebra around! |
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