Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Birth announcement (finally!) makeshift date nights and my handsome and charming baby with spiky hair!

December 17- We had a date night scheduled (our sweet friend Katy was going to watch Der), but since turning 6 months he has decided that he wont take a bottle any more-spoiled, I know!  We didnt want to leave her with that mess, so we had a date night in!  We dressed up and pretended (I know, very kidish) that we were in Italy.  We made a yummy Italian dinner together and drank wine.  We werent sure why we didnt do this more often...next we are going to France :)
December 16- Gotta love his hair!  And how appropriate that his shirt says "handsome and charming like daddy." I do have handsome and charming boys!
December 15- No, Der did not get into my lipstick...he is "eating" prunes.  Thankfully, one of his favorites since my little man gets stopped up easily.
December 14- Der is getting a new perspective on the world.
December 13- Better late than never, right?  Most of you have received these by now (with your Christmas card).  Why, you are wondering would we send birth announcements after Der is already 6 months old.  Well, we had wanted to early on and life got too busy (new babies will do that) and then we figured we were already using a stamp to send Christmas cards, so what not?  So, here is our birth announcement!  Ryan took these pictures and designed the card...I was very impressed!  What a beautiful baby boy!! :)

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