Tuesday, December 28, 2010

6 Months- I still hardly believe it!

Same day... Der's 6 month photo shoot, by my very talented husband :) 
November 29- MY BABY IS 6 MONTHS OLD!  I decided that we should start a new tradition....celebrating 1/2 birthdays with cupcakes.  Too bad Der couldn't partake this time, but I have a feeling our kids will like this tradition!  These last 6 months have been so delightful for Ryan and I!  I had no idea that I had such a capacity to love someone else!  He has won my heart over and over with the adorable faces, sweet laughter, and charming smiles!  This little boy loves life and has brought so much richness to ours!  His favorite activities include: playing with daddy, flying around the house, kicking all the bubbles and water out of the bath, splashing daddy, doing sit ups, singing while rocking, eating pears and bananas, nursing, being a momma's boy, snuggling, reading (he is starting to LOVE this), listening to daddy play guitar and singing along,  horsey rides, pig noises, giggling at mommy's ticklish hair, having meals as a family, banging  on everything, "tasting" anything within his reach, and charming our visitors.  He still dislikes: the car till he falls asleep, keeping his socks on, peek-a-boo (he looses interest, but my dad keeps trying), being on his tummy (will he ever crawl?),  and when his mommy leaves.  Little boy, I have loved watching you learn and grow and I count every moment that I have you as a gift, may God bless us with many many more moments!
November 28- This kid looks too cute in hats!

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